A. American Football 전반적 규칙

- 경기장 길이: 120 yard (필드 100yard, goal까지 각 10yard)
- 각 팀 11명 선수로 4개의 Position이 있음
[공격팀] Quarterback:
[공격팀] Center
[공격팀] Running Backs
[공격팀] Wide Receivers
* The player who snaps the ball to the quarterback
* A player who runs with the football. Also referred to as tailbacks, halfbacks, and rushers
* A player who uses his speed and quickness to elude defenders and catch the football
* The leader of the team. He calls the plays in the huddle and yells the signals at the line of scrimmage
[수비팀] Linebacker
[수비팀] Safety
[수비팀] Defensive Ends
[수비팀] Defensive Tackle
* The must defend the deep pass and the run
* The outer two members of the defensive line. They try to tackle the quarterback or ball carrier.
* These players line up behind the defensive linemen and generally are regarded as the team's best tacklers
* The inner two members of the defensive line, whose jobs are to maintain their positions in order to stop a running play
- 15분짜리 quater 경기 4개로 구성
- 2nd Quater와 3rd Quater사이에 30분 rest time 있음 (TV광고를 위한 시간)
- 전체 경기는 약 3시간 소요 (중간중간에 쉬는 시간 고려)
- 첫번째 quarter와 세번째 quarter에서 공격/수비 새로 시작
- 각 공격은 4회의 기회가 있고, 10yard 이상 전진하는 것이 목표
진행 기회에 대한 표현은
1st and 10 (첫 기회 시작이고 10yard전진할 거리가 남았다는 뜻)
2nd and 8 (만약 첫 기회에서 2yard전진한 경우)
3rd and 5 (만약 두번째 기회에서 3yard추가 전진한 경우)
4th and 9 (만약 세번째 기회에서 4yard추가 전진한 경우)
마지막 4번째 기회에서 전진하기 어려울 것 같으면, 발로차서 공을 최대한 멀리 보낸다
(punt라고 함)
그러면 상대방의 공격은 공이 떨어진 지점부터 시작하게 된다.
혹은 마지막 4번째 기회에서 킥으로 골을 넣는 득점을 시도할 수 있다(Field goal attempt)
- 관련 용어
* End zone: 선수가 활동하는 100yard 공간 바깥의 골대가 있는 영역
* Handoff:
* Hash marks
* Huddle
* Down
* Drive:
* Sack: tackle
* Snap: 다리사이로 football을 pass
* Punt: 4번째 기회에서 공을 상대방 진영 깊숙히 차버리는 것
* Fumble: Drop the ball
* Kickoff: 공을 바닥에놓고 차는 것
* Incompletion: miss-catch
* Interception:
* Touchdown: 6점 (공을가지고 Endzone까지 가는 경우)
* Field Goal: 3점 (공을 차서 Goal post사이에 넣는 경우)
* Extra Point: 1점 (Touchdown후 공을 차서 Goal post사이에 넣는 경우 추가 득점)
* Safety: 2점 (수비팀이 득점을 하는 경우로써, 수비측 골대가 가까울 때, 수비가 공을 뺏어서 자신의 End zone으로 가는 경우 2점 득점하고 공격권을 가져옴)
* Return
** A period of action that starts when the ball is put into play and ends when the ball is ruled dead (meaning the play is completed)
** A 10 yard long area at each end of the field
** A kick, worth one point, that's typically attempted after every touchdown
** A kick, worth three points, that is usually attempted within 40 yards of the goalpost
** The act of giving the ball to another player. These usually occur between the quarterback and a running back.
** The act of losing possession of the ball while running with it or being tackled
** The series of plays when the offense has the football, until it punts or scores and the other team gets possession of the ball
** The lines on the center of the field that signify 1 yard on the field
** when the 11 players on the field come together to discuss strategy between plays
** A forward pass that falls to the ground because no receiver could catch it, or a pass that a receiver dropped or caught out of bounds
** A pass that's caught by a defensive player, ending the offense's possession of the ball
** A free kick (meaning the receiving team can't make an attempt to block it) that puts the ball into play
** A kick made when a player drops the ball and kicks it while it falls toward his foot
** The act of receiving a kick or punt and running toward the opponent's goal line with the intent of scoring or gaining significant yardage
** When a defensive player tackles the quarterback behind the line or scrimmage for a loss of yardage
** A score, worth two points, that the defense earns by tackling an offensive player in possession of the ball in his own end zone.
** The action in which the ball is hiked (tossed between the lags) by the center to the quarterback, to the holder on a kick attempt, or to the punter. When this occurs, the ball is officially in play and action begins
** A score, worth six points, that occurs when a player in possession of the ball crosses the plane of the opponent's goal line, when a player catches the ball while in the opponent's end zone, or when a defensive player recovers a loose ball in the opponent's end zone
- AFC (American Football Conference)과 NFC(National Football Conference) 두 협회가 있고 이둘을 합쳐서 NFL(National Football League)가 있음
- 각 Conference는 동부/서부/북부/남부에 각 4개의 팀이 있음. AFC와 NFC각각 16개 팀이 소속되어 있음
- 미국의 어떤 State는 두개의 팀을 보유하기도 하고, 팀을 보유하지 않은 State도 있음
- 프로팀은 Monday Night에 경기함 (대학팀은 Saturday Afternoon에)
- AFC와 NFC 각각 Championship경기가 있고, 두 Championship에서의 승자끼리 경기하는 것이 Superbowl이며, 1st Sunday on Februrary에 경기가 있음 .