NEWS: Man Behind an ATM – level 1

video clip:

[My written script]

a man is working behind an ATM

he gets stuck

his phone is in his car

he cannot call for help

this happens in taxas

the man has a pen and some paper

he writes notes and then pushes them through the machine

people read the notes

most people think this is a joke

but one person calls the police

the police come. they hear the man

one officier kicks down the door

he saves the man


kick down: to break or demolish something by physical bodily force



Man Behind an ATM – level 2

video clip:

a man in taxas was working behind an atm when he got stuck inside it.

his phone was in his car so he could not call for help

he sliped notes to costumers asking them for help

most people thought that this was a joke

but one person called the police

the police came and could hear a little voice coming from the machine

one officier kick down the door and he saved the man



Man Behind an ATM – level 3

video clip:

a man who was working behind an atm in taxas got stuck inside it

he had left his phone in his truck so he could not call for help

he sliped  notes to customers asking them for help

most people dismissed the note as a prank

but one person called the police who then could hear a voice coming from the machine

one office kicked down the door to release the man

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