* 가정법: 현재 일어날 수 없거나 일어나기 어려운 일

If Subject Verb(Past), Subject + Would + verb

* 조건문 (definitely happen): 만약 ~ 하면 ~한다

If Subject Verb(Present), Subject + Verb(Present)

* 조건문 (possibly happen): 만약 ~ 하면 ~한다

If Subject Verb(Present), Subject + Will + Verb

* 습관

If Subject Verb(present), Subject  + usually + Verb(present)

** 가정법 질문

What would you do if you + Verb(past) + ... ?

A. American Football 전반적 규칙

- 경기장 길이: 120 yard (필드 100yard, goal까지 각 10yard)

- 각 팀 11명 선수로 4개의 Position이 있음

  [공격팀] Quarterback: 

  [공격팀] Center

  [공격팀] Running Backs

  [공격팀] Wide Receivers

  * The player who snaps the ball to the quarterback

  * A player who runs with the football. Also referred to as tailbacks, halfbacks, and rushers

  * A player who uses his speed and quickness to elude defenders and catch the football

  * The leader of the team. He calls the plays in the huddle and yells the signals at the line of scrimmage

  [수비팀] Linebacker

  [수비팀] Safety

  [수비팀] Defensive Ends

  [수비팀] Defensive Tackle 

  * The must defend the deep pass and the run

  * The outer two members of the defensive line. They try to tackle the quarterback or ball carrier.

  * These players line up behind the defensive linemen and generally are regarded as the team's best tacklers

  * The inner two members of the defensive line, whose jobs are to maintain their positions in order to stop a running play     

- 15분짜리 quater 경기 4개로 구성

- 2nd Quater와 3rd Quater사이에 30분 rest time 있음 (TV광고를 위한 시간)

- 전체 경기는 약 3시간 소요 (중간중간에 쉬는 시간 고려)

- 첫번째 quarter와 세번째 quarter에서 공격/수비 새로 시작

- 각 공격은 4회의 기회가 있고, 10yard 이상 전진하는 것이 목표

  진행 기회에 대한 표현은

  1st and 10   (첫 기회 시작이고 10yard전진할 거리가 남았다는 뜻)

  2nd and 8   (만약 첫 기회에서 2yard전진한 경우)

  3rd and 5    (만약 두번째 기회에서 3yard추가 전진한 경우)

  4th and 9    (만약 세번째 기회에서 4yard추가 전진한 경우)

                   마지막 4번째 기회에서 전진하기 어려울 것 같으면, 발로차서 공을 최대한 멀리 보낸다

                   (punt라고 함)

                   그러면 상대방의 공격은 공이 떨어진 지점부터 시작하게 된다.

                   혹은 마지막 4번째 기회에서 킥으로 골을 넣는 득점을 시도할 수 있다(Field goal attempt)

- 관련 용어

  * End zone: 선수가 활동하는 100yard 공간 바깥의 골대가 있는 영역

  * Handoff: 

  * Hash marks

  * Huddle

  * Down

  * Drive:

  * Sack: tackle

  * Snap: 다리사이로 football을 pass

  * Punt: 4번째 기회에서 공을 상대방 진영 깊숙히 차버리는 것

  * Fumble: Drop the ball

  * Kickoff: 공을 바닥에놓고 차는 것

  * Incompletion: miss-catch

  * Interception:

  * Touchdown: 6점 (공을가지고 Endzone까지 가는 경우)

  * Field Goal: 3점 (공을 차서 Goal post사이에 넣는 경우)

  * Extra Point: 1점 (Touchdown후 공을 차서 Goal post사이에 넣는 경우 추가 득점)

  * Safety: 2점 (수비팀이 득점을 하는 경우로써, 수비측 골대가 가까울 때, 수비가 공을 뺏어서 자신의 End zone으로 가는 경우 2점 득점하고 공격권을 가져옴)

  * Return


  ** A period of action that starts when the ball is put into play and ends when the ball is ruled dead (meaning the play is completed)

  ** A 10 yard long area at each end of the field

  ** A kick, worth one point, that's typically attempted after every touchdown

  ** A kick, worth three points, that is usually attempted within 40 yards of the goalpost

  ** The act of giving the ball to another player. These usually occur between the quarterback and a running back.

  ** The act of losing possession of the ball while running with it or being tackled

  ** The series of plays when the offense has the football, until it punts or scores and the other team gets possession of the ball

  ** The lines on the center of the field that signify 1 yard on the field

  ** when the 11 players on the field come together to discuss strategy between plays

  ** A forward pass that falls to the ground because no receiver could catch it, or a pass that a receiver dropped or caught out of bounds

  ** A pass that's caught by a defensive player, ending the offense's possession of the ball

  ** A free kick (meaning the receiving team can't make an attempt to block it) that puts the ball into play

  ** A kick made when a player drops the ball and kicks it while it falls toward his foot

  ** The act of receiving a kick or punt and running toward the opponent's goal line with the intent of scoring or gaining significant yardage

  ** When a defensive player tackles the quarterback behind the line or scrimmage for a loss of yardage

  ** A score, worth two points, that the defense earns by tackling an offensive player in possession of the ball in his own end zone.

  ** The action in which the ball is hiked (tossed between the lags) by the center to the quarterback, to the holder on a kick attempt, or to the punter. When this occurs, the ball is officially in play and action begins

  ** A score, worth six points, that occurs when a player in possession of the ball crosses the plane of the opponent's goal line, when a player catches the ball while in the opponent's end zone, or when a defensive player recovers a loose ball in the opponent's end zone

- AFC (American Football Conference)과 NFC(National Football Conference) 두 협회가 있고 이둘을 합쳐서 NFL(National Football League)가 있음

- 각 Conference는 동부/서부/북부/남부에 각 4개의 팀이 있음. AFC와 NFC각각 16개 팀이 소속되어 있음

- 미국의 어떤 State는 두개의 팀을 보유하기도 하고, 팀을 보유하지 않은 State도 있음

- 프로팀은 Monday Night에 경기함 (대학팀은 Saturday Afternoon에)

- AFC와 NFC 각각 Championship경기가 있고, 두 Championship에서의 승자끼리 경기하는 것이 Superbowl이며, 1st Sunday on Februrary에 경기가 있음 .

Get off work! (퇴근하다 - 단순히 회사를 나옴)

Go for the day (퇴근하다 - 집으로 퇴근)

Go to work (출근하다)

미국에서 애들 현지 네이티브 과외 선생님 구할 때, 

가장 싸고 믿을만하게 구한 방법을 소개합니다.

[Wyzant.com $40 Referral Bonus Link]

일단 상기 사이트인데요, 위 링크로 가입하시면 $40 가입 보너스를 받을 수 있습니다.

원하는 과목과 자신이 거주하는 지역(우편번호)를 입력하면 Tutor들 리스트가 쫙 뜹니다.

가격이 천차 만별입니다. 

ESL 전문 선생님이라면서 시간당 요금(hourly rate)이 $80 이상으로 요구하는 Tutor들도 있습니다만,

저는 $15/hour를 요구하는 tutor를 선택해서 아이들이 만족스럽게 tutoring 받고 있습니다. 

가격이 싼 tutoring 요소를 분석하니

1) 흑인, 2) 노인, 3) 학생

가격이 비싼 tutoring 요소를 분석하면 다음정도가 되는 것 같습니다.

1) 백인, 2) ESL전문가, 3) 박사등의 어학관련 학위 보유

제가 경험해본 바로는 

1) 흑인은 아이들이 처음에 무서워 함

2) 학생은 책임감이 부족함(도중에 연락 잘 안됨)

3) 굳이 ESL 전문가나 자격증/학위가 필요하지는 않은 것 같음

4) 노인 선생님이 tutoring 비용이 싸고, 인내심이 많다고 느껴짐. 

지금 아이들 tutor는 노인인데 (약 60세 정도 되어 보임) 초등학교에서 방과후시간에 아이들 봐주는 일을 하고 있어서 (대략 5:30PM까지) 아이들이 어떻게 놀이하고 배우는지 잘알고 좀 더 쉽게 가르쳐 준다고 생각됨  

WYZANT 여기 외에 다른 tutoring사이트들이 많습니다만, 여기가 제일 좋은것 같습니다.

다른 곳은 tutor들 정보나 평가가 거의 비공개 되어있지만, 이곳은 공개되어 있어요.

그리고 사진도 미리 볼 수 있구요.

[Wyzant.com $40 Referral Bonus Link]

'영어공부' 카테고리의 다른 글

가정법, 조건문(definitely/possibly), 습관 구문  (1) 2017.08.26
American Football Rules(규칙 관련 용어)  (0) 2017.08.26
GET OFF WORK: 퇴근하다  (0) 2017.08.24
Invitation, Accept/Decline  (0) 2017.07.28
Listening News: Man behind an ATM  (0) 2017.07.27
Wedding Terminology  (0) 2017.07.27

[Invitation, Accept/Decline]


A: What are yoiu doing on Friday night?

B: Nothing special, why?

A: We were wondering if you'd like to go to a baseball game with us. We have an extra ticket.

B: I'd love to! Thanks!


A: Are you free next Saturday?

B: I believe so

A: Do you wanna see a movie?

B: Yeah, sure! What time?

A: Can I pick you up around 7?

B: Sounds good!


A: Would you be interested in coming to the movie theatre with me tonight?

B: I'd love to but I've got something else going on.

A: OK. then how about getting together for coffee tomorrow afternoon?

B: I'm really sorry but I've already made plans tomorrow afternoon.

A: No worries


A: We're going to the Italian restaurant. Would you care to join us?

B: I'd love to, but I'm afraid I have another commitment this evening. Maybe another time.

NEWS: Man Behind an ATM – level 1

video clip: 


[My written script]

a man is working behind an ATM

he gets stuck

his phone is in his car

he cannot call for help

this happens in taxas

the man has a pen and some paper

he writes notes and then pushes them through the machine

people read the notes

most people think this is a joke

but one person calls the police

the police come. they hear the man

one officier kicks down the door

he saves the man


kick down: to break or demolish something by physical bodily force



Man Behind an ATM – level 2

video clip: 


a man in taxas was working behind an atm when he got stuck inside it.

his phone was in his car so he could not call for help

he sliped notes to costumers asking them for help

most people thought that this was a joke

but one person called the police

the police came and could hear a little voice coming from the machine

one officier kick down the door and he saved the man



Man Behind an ATM – level 3

video clip: 


a man who was working behind an atm in taxas got stuck inside it

he had left his phone in his truck so he could not call for help

he sliped  notes to customers asking them for help

most people dismissed the note as a prank

but one person called the police who then could hear a voice coming from the machine

one office kicked down the door to release the man

Wedding Terminology

[Wedding Preparations]



engagement ring


pop the question



wedding band

wedding dress/gown



'save the date'

guest list

bridal shower: a gift giving party normally held 4 to 6 weeks before the wedding day 

gift registry: this list will be managed in a store 

gift registration

rehearsal dinner: Dinner before the wedding day, traditionally bridegroom pays for.

bachelor party

bachelorette party




mother/father of the bride

flower girl: a girl who throw petals or confettis before a wedding ceremony

maid/matron of honor : unmarried/married woman acting as principal bridesmaid



bestman: a man acting as principal groomsman

ring bearer: a child who carries a wedding ring to a bridegroom

caterer: someone who provides food and service

garter: a narrow band to keep up woman's stockings

usher: someone who takes guests to their seats



confetti: small pieces of color papers


toast speech: bestman's short statement to present good wishes before drink, he may knocks the glass with a fork to take attention

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